Jiangjie Wu


I am Jiangjie Wu (吴江杰 in Chinese), a 4th-year Ph.D student in SMILE Lab:smiley: at ShanghaiTech University (Shanghai, China), advised by Prof. Yuyao Zhang. Before that, I received my B.E. degree at Yunnan University, Yunnan in 2021.

I am interested in a variety of topics related to Fetal MRI and Model-based deep learning for inverse problems. My current research focuses include:

  • Fetal MRI;
  • Motion Correction;
  • Super-resolution Reconstruction;
  • MRI Artifact Removal
  • Model-based Deep Learning.
    • Deep Image Prior, Neural Representation, Diffusion Model

See more in the detailed CV.

I am looking for a post-doc position for 2025 Fall!


Mar 2, 2023 Three paper accepted by IEEE ISBI :tada:
Sep 18, 2022 One paper accepted by MICCAI workshop PIPPI (Best Paper Honorable Mention) :tada:
Jul 19, 2021 One paper accepted by NeuroImage :tada:

selected publications


    JSMoCo: Joint Coil Sensitivity and Motion Correction in Parallel MRI with a Self-Calibrating Score-Based Diffusion Model
    Lixuan Chen , Xuanyu Tian , Jiangjie Wu , Ruimin Feng , Guoyan Lao , Yuyao Zhang , Hongjiang Wei
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (under review)
  2. IEEE ISBI 2023

    ASSURED: A Self-supervised Deep Decoder Network for Fetus Brain MRI Reconstruction
    Jiangjie Wu , Lixuan Chen , Zhenghao Li , Rongpin Wang , Hongjiang Wei , Yuyao Zhang
    20th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging

    SUFFICIENT: A scan-specific unsupervised deep learning framework for high-resolution 3D isotropic fetal brain MRI reconstruction
    Jiangjie Wu , Lixuan Chen , Zhenghao Li , Rongpin Wang , Hongjiang Wei , Yuyao Zhang
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (major revision)

    COLLATOR: Consistent Spatial-Temporal Longitudinal Atlas Construction via Implicit Neural Representation
    Lixuan Chen , Jiangjie Wu , Qing Wu , Guoyan Lao , Hongjiang Wei , Yuyao Zhang
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (under review)
  5. MICCAI workshop


    Continuous longitudinal fetus brain atlas construction via implicit neural representation
    Lixuan Chen , Jiangjie Wu , Qing Wu , Hongjiang Wei , Yuyao Zhang
    Best Paper Honorable Mention
    International Workshop on Preterm, Perinatal and Paediatric Image Analysis

  6. ×
    Age-specific structural fetal brain atlases construction and cortical development quantification for Chinese population
    Jiangjie Wu , Taotao Sun , Boliang Yu , Zhenghao Li , Qing Wu , Yutong Wang , Zhaoxia Qian , Yuyao Zhang , Ling Jiang , Hongjiang Wei

  7. ×
    Longitudinal Chinese population structural fetal brain atlases construction: toward precise fetal brain segmentation
    Jiangjie Wu , Boliang Yu , Lihui Wang , Qing Yang , Yuyao Zhang
    2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)